Tag To Tackle course launched for girls at Newark Rugby Club
Girls from primary schools across the district took to the pitch at Newark Rugby Club last week to try their hand at the sport.
Women and girls rugby is one of the fastest growing sports which has seen a staggering 28% increase in registered players since 2017.
England’s ladies’ team, the Red Roses, are one of the most successful teams currently ranked world number one, which has resulted in women and girls rugby demanding a much higher media profile in the UK.
Newark Rugby Club, based at Kelham Road, has a large mini, junior and girls’ sections and a recently formed wmen's team.
The club are encouraging new female players into the sport of all abilities.
Since 2019 the club have built a thriving schools rugby programme, where experienced rugby coaches deliver non-contact "tag" rugby in 12 local primary schools.
Having listened to new players, the club understands the difficulties players experience transitioning from non-contact tag to the full contact version of the game.
To help new players build confidence in a safe and fun environment it offers a free five-week Tag To Tackle course for girls only in school years four, five and six is being provided by the club.
The next session starts on Thursday (March 28) at 6.30pm.
Alan Staines, director of community rugby, said: "We are a friendly rugby club where life-long friendships are formed – if you fancy being different and giving rugby a go our free 5 week "tag to tackle" girls course is just for you."