Review: Identical at Nottingham Playhouse
It is a case of seeing double at Nottingham Playhouse as much-anticipated new musical Identical makes its theatrical debut.
The show is the heart-warming story of twin girls separated as babies who, by chance, meet at a summer camp ten years later and hatch a plan to swap identities so they can each meet their long-lost parents.
Does it sound familiar?
The story is perhaps better known for the two Hollywood movies, The Parent Trap, but this version stays more faithful to author Erich Kastner’s original version, set in Europe — but with added songs.
As you would expect from the Playhouse, it is a slick production — with an eye-catching, ever-changing set and, after a fairly uninspiring opening number, an impressive musical score.
The leading adult actors, James Darch (Johan) Emily Tierney (Lisalotte) and Gabrielle Lewis-Dodson (Miss Gerlach) were perfect in their parts.
Housemaid Roza (Louise Gold) and Dr Strobl (Michael Smith-Stewart) made a humorous double act.
But the undoubted stars of the show are the twin girls in the leading roles, played on press night by Eden and Emme Patrick, who obviously have a very bright future ahead of them.
Taking turns to play the twins at other performances are Kyla and Nicole Fox and Savannah and Sienna Robinson.
Directed by Trevor Nunn, this production oozes quality and it is clear it is going to be a huge hit. Make sure you see it in Nottingham first.
It runs at the Playhouse until August 14. — SH