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50p appeal pays off


Scouts have collected more than 200 50p pieces minted to mark the centenary of the Scouting movement, thanks to an appeal in the Advertiser.

A group of Scouts from the Newark area will visit the Czech Republic from July 27 to August 10 and will present the coins in commemorative folders to the Scouts and leaders of two groups they have established links with.

The 28 Scouts and Explorers and nine leaders making the trip, from various groups in the area, will themselves receive coins as a memento of their visit.

They will see members of the Ratbor and Planany Scout groups of Kolin, who camped in the grounds of Kelham Hall two years ago.

The 50p commemorative coin features the Scouting movement’s emblem, the fleur delys, and its motto: Be Prepared.

About 7m were made by the Royal Mint last year in celebration of Scouting’s 100th anniversary.

The leader of 7th Newark Scouts and deputy team leader for the exchange trip, Mr Rodney Cousins, in February appealed for the commemorative coins through the Advertiser.

He said most were donated to the cause even though he had initially offered to exchange them for another 50p coin.

“It is mainly thanks to the Advertiser,” said Mr Cousins.

“We realised they were difficult to find, so it needed to be a wider appeal than just asking parents.

“Just through the paper everyone has been aware of it in the community, which they wouldn’t have been without the Advertiser.”

Mr Cousins said the trip offered a great opportunity for the youngsters to learn about a different culture.

“It is first-hand international experience. We are part of the Czech community while we are there,” he said.

The district commissioner for Newark, Mr Richard Moyses, said that when the Czech Scouts visited them, they brought with them lots of little gifts, so they wanted to go back with something special for them.

“We just want to say thank you to everyone that donated them,” he said. “The response has been fantastic.”

A young leader on the trip, Greg Duckworth (18) of Tennyson Road, Balderton, said: “It is the chance to see what Scouting is like in another culture.”

Greg is applying to be an assistant Beaver Scout leader.

Those on the trip are from the Newark 6th, 7th and 9th Scout groups, as well as Norwell and Balderton Scout groups.

They have held activity sessions to get to know each other and build friendships.

The activities have included learning camp-fire songs — some in the Czech language.

They have learnt basic Czech words, such as please and thank you.

During the trip they will go to Prague, about 40 miles from Kolin, where they will meet district Scout representatives and civic dignitaries.

They will go to the town hall and exchange gifts such as Scout badges and friendship bracelets.

Activities during the visit will include sport, orienteering and camp-fire cooking.

The Newark district Scouts are also organising Robin Hood-themed days.

The first exchange with the Czech Republic Scouts took place in 1994 and they are held every two years, taking it in turns to be the host.

The trip has cost about £7,000 in total. Each Scout has been asked to pay £200. Fundraising events are helping to cover the rest of the cost.

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