An early intervention scheme has helped to redirect more than 30 young people who have strayed into anti-social behaviour.
A man who stole £390 worth of coats from a shop has been jailed after breaching his community order.
A road has reopened three days after a crash that killed two people.
Civil orders have been and continue to be secured by police in bid to clamp down on violence against women and girls.
Eighty four drivers were charged with drink or drug driving offences during a police operation spanning Christmas and New Year.
A drone has been seized and two people arrested after a prison drugs delivery was intercepted.
Anti-social behaviour and drug crime has fallen in our area, with attention now turning to a rise in shoplifting and burglary.
Two people have died following a crash.
I’m pleased to start 2025 with my latest updates on the work of the neighbourhood policing team, writes District Commander, Inspector Charlotte Ellam.
A business owner’s positive outlook on life has taken a hit after two break-ins at his premises — but he is determined to keep his head up.
After multiple reports of items being stolen from cars, police have stepped up patrols and released images of two people they’d like to speak to.
A former inspector’s decision to punch and stamp on a member of public while on duty has been determined as amounting to gross misconduct.
A charity shop has been left “devastated” after thieves caused thousands of pounds worth of damage during a break-in.
A Southwell business has spoken of their ‘very heavy and saddened heart’ after having an expensive collectable.