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Book about an alien leads to space themed day at a Balderton nursery

Children at a nursery in Balderton have taken part in a space themed day based on a children's book.

Serendipity's Day Nursery held a space themed day after reading Aliens in Underpants by Claire Freedman

Room head Valerie Young said that the children loved the book.

"The children have been captivated by the colour in the book," Valerie said.

"They made aliens out of Play-Doh and have been doing projects with pants."

Children from Serendipity's Day Nursery, Balderton take part in a Space themed day, based on the book Aliens Love Underpants.
Children from Serendipity's Day Nursery, Balderton take part in a Space themed day, based on the book Aliens Love Underpants.

There are 20 children who took part in the space day, aged between four and five.

They have all made rockets and pants, which they have put on their heads in unusal places - just like in the book.

There is a competition on Facebook where the public are asked to pick their favourite rocket designed by the children.

For more information or to vote visit https://en-gb.facebook.com/serendipitysdaynurserybalderton/.

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