Parking permit scheme under threat
Up to 14,000 disabled people in Nottinghamshire who have a blue parking badge could lose it under changes to the scheme.
The scheme was introduced in 1971 to provide parking close to essential amenities and services for people with severe mobility problems.
Under new regulations, some people who have been automatically eligible will receive a badge only if they can provide Nottinghamshire County Council with evidence of mobility problems.
The council, which issues badges under government guidelines, is expected to be affected by the changes more than other councils.
This is because in March, 1997 the social services committee made it easier to get a blue badge automatically, in a bid to reduce the number of assessments requested from GPs, which at the time cost £17.20 for each report.
The criteria included people who used a wheelchair or walking aid, other than one walking stick, supplied by the NHS.
The national ratio of people with blue badges is about one in 20. In Notting-hamshire this would mean having 33,000 badges in circulation but there are currently about 47,000 blue badges in the county.
Those who are most likely to be affected are those who have been issued with a badge under the extended criteria but who do not have very considerable difficulty with walking.